Sell Cemani Chicken with Special Black Colour

Sell Cemani Chicken with Special Black Colour

Cemani chicken is popular known with the expensive price even though it has light black colour. It can be a choice as a hobby to take care of it for those who like black colour.

In a particular area, Cemani chicken is always related to mystical phenomenon or its supernatural power. However, it is not true at all. It is because of the exotic light black colour of it.Compared with the poultry of local chicken, Cemani chicken gives more advantages for breeders in Temanggung regency, central Java. That is why many breeders carry on the business of Cemani chicken poultry. If you pass the area of Temanggung – Wonosobo, there will be many Cemani chickens shown in the roadside for sell.

 Adult Cemani Chicken
Adult Cemani Chicken

The price of Cemani chicken is for about Rp150.000 up to Rp 500.000 for adult size. It is profitable enough if we compare with import fancy chicken which is mostly provided in Indonesia nowadays.

Temanggung regency, especially in Kedu has already popular known with Kedu and Cemani chickens. There are so many Cemani breeders either individual or in group who take care of it. Moreover, this business can be carried on not only as a main work but also as a secondary business. Therefore, it normally happens if many traders from other places usually look for either seed or adult Cemani in this place.

 Cemani Chicken Age 3 Month
3 month Cemani Chicken

The buyers are usually interested in Cemani chicken start from the egg, DOC (Day Old Chicken), until the child of Cemani chicken. Nevertheless, the parents and adult Cemani chicken are absolutely more interesting for market. The potency of this market opens an opportunity for breeders to choose the model of their poultry.

Baca Juga!  Ayam Cemani Chicken : 9 Interesting Information About Cemani Chicken That You Must Know
 Cemani Chicken Age 3 Month
3 month Cemani Chicken


Fancy, Fancy Chicken, Cemani Chicken, Fancy Chicken Breeders, Cemani Chicken Breeder, Cemani Chicken Photo, Fancy Chicken Photo, Sell Cemani Chicken, Cemani Chicken with Special Black Colour, Cemani chicken is always related to mystical phenomenon or its supernatural power

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