Ayam Ketawa For Sale : How To Take Care The Ornamental Chicken

The Laughing Rooster or Ayam Ketawa For Sale

Ayam Ketawa Dewasa Sepasang
Ayam Ketawa for sale

What is Ayam Ketawa For Sale or laughing rooster? This is one of native chicken from Indonesia that has a unique sound. At a glance, this chicken looks like a rooster in general.

But actually, it is different. Then, would you like to know more about laughing rooster or Ayam Ketawa For Sale? Let’s check this out!

The history of Ayam Ketawa For Sale or laughing rooster

This types of well-known chicken for Indonesian ornamental chicken lovers has several names such as laughing chickens, Ayam Ketawa or laughing rooster.

If you are ornamental chicken lovers or chicken lovers, you may already know this. Then, when you are visiting Indonesia you must see the Ayam ketawa contest.

It is a fun activity that you must see. However, this rare chicken, sometimes is hard to find outside Indonesia. This chicken is originally from Sidenreng Rappang, South Sulawesi.

Sometimes, people call this chicken  manu gaga in Buginese. In the past, this chicken is protected poultry by Buginese.

In the old days, People of the nobility of Buginese only breeds and take care of this chicken. It became the symbol of social status which describes the wealthy, brave and manly.  

So, many breeders of Ayam ketawa or laughing rooster in Sulawesi love this kind of chicken. The location of the laughing rooster breed can be found in several areas in South Sulawesi.  

Such as Baranti, Panca Rijang, Benteng, Simpo Arasi’e and only breeders by some family.  

Nowadays, this chicken becomes the most of popular chicken in Indonesia. It has a unique sound of cockcrow. Because of the unique cockcrow, this chicken always joins the contest for ornamental chicken. They can win several awards from the contest of ornamental chicken.

The price for an adult laughing chicken with an ordinary quality start from 500 thousand up to 1, 5 million rupiah. Then for the winner, the price more expensive and it can be more than that.

That’s why there are many people are looking for this unique chicken.

What is the characteristic of Ayam ketewa For Sale or laughing rooster?

The laughing rooster or ayam ketawa for sale

These Chickens have a slim and small body. This chicken is smaller than the free-range chicken that people widely cultivate.

Usually, people choose to breeding ayam ketawa for sale, or laughing rooster with the characteristic wide comb with dark gray feet color.  Some of them breed laughing chicken with a yellow feet color and has a rose comb.

What makes this chicken is different from the general chicken rooster is the long cockcrow of the laughing chicken rooster.

The length of its cockcrow is up to 1 minutes which is different from other chickens. That’s why this laughing chicken has expensive prices.

The laughing Chicken has its own uniqueness compared with other local chicken that is when crowed sounds like laughter.

In addition, to have a unique sound, laughing chicken also has an attractive feather color and is supported by the nice body shape.

Besides, this chicken also has a different name based on the feather color, the type of comb and the sounds of cockcrow. The differences of Laughing chicken types based on its feather color. Let’s take a look. 

  • Bakka : It has white lighting with a black, orange and red color. The variant of this chicken it has black or white feet.
  • Lappung :  It has basic color black and blends with the red heart. Also, it has black feet and white eyes.
  • Ceppaga :  It has a basic color black blend with black and white. Also, it has white complexion start from its body until its nape of the neck and it has black feet.
  • Karro : The basic color of this chicken is black and mixed with green, white, yellow. With black or yellow feet color.
  • Ijo Buata : The basic color is green with red. It has black wings color and its feet are yellow.
  • Bori Tase’ :  The basic color is a red mixed with the golden yellow spot.

Garetek : This chicken has interval sounds of cockcrow fast sometimes peoples call it types of dangdutThen, the varieties of laughing chicken based on the sound of its cockcrow.

  1. Gaga’     :  This chicken has slow the tempo sound on the intervals cockcrow.  This chicken sometimes called Pop slow tempo.
  2. Do’do     : It has tempo sound of the cockcrow that is slow and heartbreaking. 

Hereinafter, there are several kinds of the shape of combs on laughing chicken such as : 

  1. Single Comb
  2. Rose Comb
  3. Kapri Comb

What are The advantages of  Laughing Chicken?

An Adult laughing chicken

Not many people know the advantages of the laughing chicken. In addition, this unique chicken also has a lot of the advantages start the unique sounds of cockcrow that is so entertain until chicken manure.

Here are some of the advantages of the laughing chicken. Let’s check it. 

The laughing chicken eggs have the same function as the chicken in general. We can use them to reduce the fever for children and adult.

Then, this eggs are also good for the laughing chicken rooster who will join the competitions. Then, this chicken also is good for the children immune and it good for increasing the stamina for the adult.

Ayam Ketawa

How about the laughing chicken eggs for sale breeding. Usually, the laughing chicken hen can lays 16-20 eggs in one period. But Ayam ketawa hatching eggs is only  70 %  and the rest 30% of the first eggs can’t be hatched.

It happens because the hatching rate of this first eggs are lows. The price of the laughing chicken eggs for sale is expensive than the general chicken.

Moreover, the eggs from the winner of the laughing chicken contest the price will be high.  This can be a good opportunity for business.

The laughing chicken eggs have lots of enthusiasts. There are many people are looking for this chicken eggs to start breeding laughing chicken.  

The price of laughing chicken eggs is cheaper than buying the adult of laughing chicken. The price for the adult laughing chicken can be expensive like more than one million Indonesian Rupiahs.  

Another advantage of the laughing chicken is the sound of the cockcrow that similar to the human laughing. Also, it has lots of different types sounds of cockcrow.

That’s so entertaining and makes people who hear that sound is smiling happily. Then, the laughing chicken manure can be advantages for fertilizing the soil. This chicken is easy to take care and can be treated like the general rooster. 

Then How To Take  Care of Ayam Ketawa chicken?  

Laughing chicken is one of the rare chicken In Indonesia. It is a unique chicken that only can be found in Indonesia. Also, this chicken is hard to find overseas.

This ornamental chicken is not as popular as serama orcemani chicken. Actually, this chicken is so interesting and has its own uniqueness.

Then, if you are ornamental chicken lovers then you must try to see how this chicken produce sounds. In Indonesia, there are many contests for laughing chicken because this chicken is so popular for competition.

The most important of this chicken is easy to take care. Then how to take care the ayam ketawa for sale

    1. We can give the food for the chicks similarly to the general chickens. The food for the first age of the chicks are voer, groats, bran, corn milled and so on. Sometimes it must be given vitamin mixes with the food or drinks.

      It is so important to make the chicken stay healthy and it can impact on the growth of the chicks.

      Then, for the adult laughing chicken, we can feed with a high nutrient. For example like bran mixed with the fish flour, corn, also sometimes we can give voer.

    2. We can bathe the laughing chicken for the first time at ages of 4 months. W can bathe them at least two times a week and then dry it under the sun.

      Then for the adult, we can bathe them a week three times. The bathing of the chicken can impact on the good feather.

    3. Also, it is good for chicken health treatment to produce a good sound of cockcrow the chicken must be trained.

      It should the good sound of cockcrow from the more professional laughing chicken that has been winning the contest.

      Train your laughing chicken on perch and make sure they follow the sound from professional laughing chicken.

    4.  Taking care the health of the laughing chicken is important. Here are the tips to produce a healthy chicken. Ayam ketawa chicken needs lots of stamina for their body. In addition, you need to makes an herb for increasing their stamina.

      The herb can be made from honey, ginger, tomato, and spinach. The first step is boiled the tomatoes and spinach then chill it.

      Afterward, blend it with the ginger and honey. When the compound became a liquid then feed them, you can use an injection as an intermediary to feed them easily. You must notice the injection has no needle in it.

    5. Clean up the cage frequently. Because of the comfort cage, your laughing chicken can be more healthy and comfortable.

That’s all. For further information about ayam ketawa for sale,laughing chicken eggs for sale, Laughing chicken, Ayam cemani hatching eggs for sale or other information about poultry just contact us on Instagram or Facebook.

Or you can check on our website Hobiternak.com.

Related : ayam ketawa hatching eggs,laughing chicken eggs for sale,laughing rooster breed,laughing chickens

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Agus Harianto S.Pt & Hobi Ternak Team 9

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