5 White Peacock Facts You Need To Know As a Peacock Lovers!


White peacock facts – When a peacock is stretching its tail, nobody can ignore it.

The white colors of its feathers are are so glamours and luxurious that will make you blown away. 

Peacock is an exquisite bird with vivid colors and uniquely shaped feathers. But do you know that white peacock is male or female? The word ‘peacock’ actually refers to the male only.

The collective term for these birds is ‘peafowl’. The males are ‘peacocks’ while the females are ‘peahens’. Then, the babies are ‘peachicks’.

White Peacock Facts and Information

Many interesting facts about this white peacock, one of them is that there are small crystals on their feather.
Many interesting facts about this white peacock, one of them is that there are small crystals on their feather.

Peafowl (peacock and peahen) is one of the most beautiful birds in the world that has beautiful feathers.

There are some species of this birds, Indian peafowl, White peafowl, Green peafowl, and Congo peafowl.

They are omnivores that eats insects, plants, and small animals. They can grow about 90 – 130 cm tall and weigh around 4 – 6 kg. However, the peahens are slightly smaller.

White peacock is one of various types of beautiful peacock. This type of white peacock has some facts that you might not know.

Want to know more? Check out the explanation below.

1. White Peacock Is Not Albino

The white peacock is a special peacock domesticated Indian peafowl (the blue species) that has been born in all white due to a genetic variation. But the fact is this birds are not albinos.

The albino birds have a complete lack of color and usually have red or pink eyes.

Different with albino birds, the white peacock has blue eyes and colored skin.  

The peachicks of the peafowl are born yellow but then become white as they mature. The loss of pigmentation of the this beautiful bird is caused by leucism.

The animals with this genetic mutation retain their normal eye color. Only its feathers that don’t have pigmentation.

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The picture of white peacock birds, the tail is so beautiful when it's flapped and the goals is to attract attention of peahen.
The picture of white peacock birds, the tail is so beautiful when it’s flapped and the goals is to attract attention of peahen.

When the white peacocks are bred to white peahens, all of their chicks will be white. Nevertheless, peafowl also contains some genes such as:

  • Pied White. This is the combination of white and usual Indian blue colors.
  • Black Shoulder Pied. The coloration is normal except for the white under parts, wigs, and a spot under the chin.
  • Black Shoulder Peahen. It is white but sprinkled with black spots.

When you mate white peacocks to different colored peahens, the result will be a wide variety of colors in the chicks.

2. Male White Peafowl (White Peacock) Has a More Attractive Appearance

Compared with female white peafowl or white peahen, the male one has a more attractive appearance.

White peacock female or white peahen has a shorter tail than peacock. Because, white peacock holds an important role in the occurrence of a marriage, so the appearance is more attractive.

White peacock has a longer and more beautiful tail, the goals is to attract the attention of peahen.

When the mating season arrive, white peacock will flap it’s beautiful tail into form like a hand fan and move it while dancing to attract the attention of the peahen. 

3. The Beautiful Tail of White Peacock will Perfectly Grow After 2 Years-Old

Only white peacock who will have long and beautiful tail feathers. The tail feathers will grow slowly and in about 2 years, it will grow maximum, long, and beautiful.

The tail feather of the peacock will fully grow when it's reach 2 years-old and the feather is longer and more beautiful that peahen.
The tail feather of the peacock will fully grow when it’s reach 2 years-old and the feather is longer and more beautiful that peahen.

4. There Are Small Crystals on Their Beautiful Feather

When you see flapped white Peacock tail, you might ask why it’s sparkling? The answer is, there are small crystals covered the feather of white peacock.

So, when the feather tail flapped under the sun, it will sparkling of the reflection of the sun light. 

5. White Peacock Symbolism

Another white peacock facts is the white color of this peacock, symbolizes purity and eternity. In addition, the white peacock also symbolizes unconditional love. 

See the beauty of the white peacock video below:

Which Country Has White Peacock?

If you ask white peacock found in which country? This is the answer. Since this peacock is the variety of Indian Blue peacock, this birds native to South Asia. However, not it is already introduced in many other parts of the world.

Well, the Indian peafowl is a resident breeder across the Indian subcontinent. You can also find them in the dried lowland areas of Sri Lanka. 

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Then, in South Asia you can find them mainly in the areas which is below in altitude of 1,800 meters.

Where Is White Peacock Found?

This bird cannot found in the wild. You can find them in moist and dry-deciduous forests, but they can actually adapt to live in cultivated regions and arouond human habitations as long as water is available.

Besides, you also probably will be able to see one at a nearby farm or zoo.

The patches of white spot would make this bird more visible to predators there. Peacocks actually have habitat in the forest but now it’s almost extinct.

This is why you can only see them in a wildlife reserve or nature reserve. The white peacock in India usually are protected by religious practices and will forage around villages and towns for scraps.

Are White Peacock Rare?

As we know that peacock is know for the brilliant colors. The peacock tail, known as train is the most extravagant part of this bird.

In the case of the white peacock, the trains are a dazzling white! It can measure 4-5 feet long, even longer than the rest of the body.

White peacock and white peahen is native from India, but to prevent extinction, there are institutions that legally maintain white peafowl.
White peacock and white peahen is native from India, but to prevent extinction, there are institutions that legally maintain white peafowl.

All of peafowl is rare birds. And the white peacock is said as a rare species of peafowl due to the special condition of genetic mutation called leucism.

But there are actually more reasons why this bird is rare. See the next…

Why Are White Peacocks Endangered?

The widespread hunting for meat and feathers, the collection of eggs and chicks has created the endangered problem for all of peafowl species.

It is also combined with the loss of natural habitat and human interference.

Even when white peacocks are kept in the residential area, this is still a problem.

The expansion of the area is a nuisance. The noise and atmospheric pollution created by a growing civilization threatens the tranquil environment.

Moreover, more than the human treats, this birds also face an existential challenge from other species from nearby places that have entered the territory in droves. For example monkeys, dogs, etc.

In the forest, adult peafowl can escape ground predators such as leopard, dholes, and tiger by flying into trees.

Sometimes, they are also haunted by larger birds of prey like crested hawk-eagle and rock eagle-owl.

In addition to peacocks, there are various types of chicken breeds that you can keep in your backyard.

Because peacock is already quite rare, you can also maintain other types of ornamental chickens that are also interesting and easy to maintain.

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Agus Harianto S.Pt & Hobi Ternak Team 9

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10 pemikiran pada “5 White Peacock Facts You Need To Know As a Peacock Lovers!”

  1. Hi our neighborhood free-range peahen has hatched her eggs in my barn area. I have helped the mommas and babies stay safe for several years so I am familiar with the typical chick coloring. This year I notice we have one fully yellow chick, no brown at all. Is that a “white” peachick? Will it grow up to be a white peacock or peahen? Thanks

    • Hello, the yellow peachick is a white peacock which as it grows will turn white. It can also be from the black shoulder Indian peacock, or the Indian peacock which has a deep blue color on the head, neck, and back.

      If you don’t mind, you can send a photo of the peachick to our email at hobiternakmail@gmail.com, so we can observe and check with our team at the farm 🙂


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