Serama breeders is good opportunity for us. Many people keep serama chicken because it interest for them with their cute body and funny movements. The public not only want to take care this chicken as a hobby but also they want to be serama breeders for business. Well, serama chicken is from Malaysia Jiran country. It has a dwarf, petite and claimed to be the smallest chicken in this world. The weight of an original serama male is only 350 gram, and for a serama female around 300 gram.
But in its development after through a continuous breeding without any renewal, and an adult serama chicken has a weight of nearly 500 grams. With a small size, short legs, often serama chicken get difficulties in marriage, or difficulty in breeding this chicken. Well, we will discuss bout how to raise serama chicken from the expert.
Serama Breeders is not difficult
The raising of serama chicken is not difficult, but it takes a little patience and also persistence. Sometimes people who find difficulties to breed serama chicken because the way to care serama chicken is less intensively. Intensive is the main key of raising serama chicken, because even though there are the same of serama treatments like other chicken but there are some things special that must be attention. For example such as the cage, food, the healthy of serama, etc. Because serama chicken will be susceptible to disease if the cage is less clean. In addition, serama chicken cage must avoid from the rain, if the cage is wet, it is not good for the serama chicken. Then provided also the box for the eggs of serama.
Keep the health of serama chicken
Keep the health of serama chicken is important. Serama chicken is type of chicken which has a high lust, because the chcicken will start learning to marry since the age of 3 months. From here, the way of the rasing of serama chicken that needs to be considered for the breeders. Here, the breeders play a very important role, the namely by providing the female to mate the male. In addition, the physical health of male will also affect the ability of the male to produce the eggs. If the weather is too cold, the ability of female chickens will decrease in egg production. Therefore, the type of feed and environmental live conditions of chicken will affect the health and the ability to spawn serama chicken.
Giving The Appropriate Food
Even though in the way of raising of Serama chciken, food is not a special matter that you should attention it, but in some cases, food will give the affect of the development of serama chicken. Serama chicken’s food is not different from other chcickens, just enough to provide the laying chcicken food is actually enough because the food is made from the factory is appropriate already with the necessary of chicken nutrition.
However, the note is when the chicken residence environment has a cold enough temperature, then try to feed serama chicken with foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates. The carbohydrates will help to produce an energy to maintain the heat body. Because as mentioned earlier, the temperature of the environment will influence the laying ability of serama chicken. In addition, throwing away the residue on yesterday and cleaning the food and drinking box regularly will prevent the chicken from getting sick.
Keep the Beauty of chicken’s feathers
If you keep a serama chicken to be a chicken contest, then the way cattle breeders serama you should not ignore is to keep the beauty of chicken feathers. As mentioned before, that chicken serama has a high desire lust. Too often mating, may cause chicken feathers so fall out and cause baldness. Therefore, try not to let the chickens marry before the contest begins. This will also help the chicken to perform excellently. Serama Chicken can appear more excellent if in a state of high lust. So by not marrying the chicken serama for some time, you will get two advantages at once. In addition, bathing serama chicken with a mixture of soap and disinfectant fluid will also help to make chicken feathers look more smooth and avoid the lice.
How to marry Serama chicken?
Serama Chicken champion should not be mated in vain. So the right way of breeding chicken is not to marry her carelessly. Unmarried chickens tend to have high appetite. If a chicken like this is married to a chicken that has been married even has ever won the championship will be very dangerous. Therefore, the aggressiveness of a chicken that has never been married will be dangerous for his opponent can even threaten the safety of the chicken champion. To reduce excessive chicken lust, you can finish it by bathing chickens every morning. Bathing chicken serama every morning is really powerful to make chicken serama become more docile.
You can apply the way to take care serama chickenwith very easy. If you are intensive in the treatment, you will get success for this. Intensive in paying attention to the growth of chicken flower, starting from feeding, cleanliness of the cage and feed container, the cleanliness of the fur and the way of mating will help you to get quality serama chicken. In addition, you should consider environmental conditions to get quality chicken serama. A quality quality chicken will make you confident enough to take your chicken to a chicken contest. The more often the chicken serama contest, or even a winner, then the price of chicken will rise fantastic.
After we met with some hobbyist and serama chicken breeder who has won several serama chicken competition then we call them as serama chicken expert. The breeding of serama chicken is little hampered because the size of serama chicken male’s feet is short and it make serama chiken get difficulties to penetrate when about to mate. So, because it is how to raise serama chicken, you must consider it and finish with incentives. You can give provision of serama chicken food as other types of ornamental chickens are poer, bran, corn, you can give them as additional vitamins. Don’t forget to protect the cages when the rain comes, because if you don’t protect the cage from the rain water, because disease will susceptible serama chicken.
According to recognition of breeders and hobbyists, they often help the male perched above the female. You can finish this marriage technique by holding the female serama and then trust into the male serama. But there are some requisites, both of serama chickens, male or female are ready to mate with a minimum age of 6 months. It is better to use an age between 8-12 months. When the female serama hold on his back, it will do squat. In addition the male serama sometimes do rotation of 1 female for 3 males with a distance of time about 2-3 hours. By this the marriage way will give result the greater chance of success.
Serama chicken is a unique chicken, even though it has a small body size, serama chicken is a chicken which has a high lust. And the male serama do not afraid and hesitate when love to female serama which has a bigger size. Then the fertility of serama chicken is influenced by physical health. In addition to production of female eggs, the egg productivity is influenced by the weather, if the wetaher is cold usually the egg production decreases. Because the most of feed is used for energy production in order to maintain body heat. So, the serama chicken which are kept in cold regions should obtain feed with the high carbohydrate content. For example: the corn.
When you follow the chicken contest, is better you don’t mate your serama chicken. You can also separate between male and female of serama chicken. So that, when the contest can appear more daring because it will have a high lust. You should train your Serama chicken to concentrate on performing on stage exclusively. He should not set the carpet or run away from the stage. So this little chicken should not tire of the style and crowed loudly on the cat walk. Actually caring for serama chicken and how to marry it is not too difficult. As long as we always pay attention to hygiene and good feeding aspects. It is even better if the feed we provide then mix with concentrate also.
Keeping Serama chicken is slightly different than raising chicken kate. His little posture is a little difficult at the time female of serama chicken will marry Serama cock. His short legs make it difficult to penetrate when marrying females. We must hold the body of Ayam Serama for easy mating. You can also make females marry with several males to increase fertility percentage.
Although small but Ayam Serama has a large libido. Since the age of 3 months Serama began to learn to mate. At the age of 5 months he is ready to marry. But the right age to reproduce about 6-7 months. In a day stud Ayam Serama can several times marry a female. For that in a cage, you can include some females to serve one male Chicken Serama.
The productivity of Serama chicken eggs is quite high. In one period of Serama cock is able to lay many eggs. But unfortunately Serama can not afford to incubate all the eggs it produces. His petite posture made the warm-scalded eggs uneven even if you incubate all.Then the solution by entrusting it to another brood or inserted in an egg hatching machine.
If you want to know more about serama chicken, serama hatching eggs for sale or how long do serama chickens live etc. You can call us all the time. Call us on the number below:
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