The Easy Ways To Breed Serama Chickens To Produce Quality Serama

The Easy Ways To Breed Serama Chickens To Produce Quality Serama

Serama Chicken is a kind of chicken which has tiny posture, strapping with bloated chest. This chicken, that comes from Malaysia, has many admirers in this country. Furthermore, there are a lot of contests which is held in big cities. Therefore, market segment on Serama chicken is widely opened. This of course becomes a profitable business.

Taking care of Serama chicken is rather different than Kate chicken. Its tiny posture causes mating the Serama chickens difficult. The short legs causes difficulty when it comes to penetration while marrying the hen. We should hold Serama chicken’s body to make it easier. You can also mate the hen with some roosters so that the percentages of the fertility can increase. Even though it has tiny body, Serama chicken has a big libido. Since aged 3 months, it has started to learn mating. When it is already aged 5 months, it is ready to mate. However, the exact time to reproduce is about 6-7 months. In a single day, a rooster of Serama chicken can mate the hens more than once. Therefore, you can provide several hens to serve a Serama chicken rooster in a stall.

Adult Serama Chicken
Adult Serama Chicken

The eggs productivity of Serama chicken is high enough. In once period, it can produce so many eggs. Unfortunately, Serama cannot brood its all eggs. Its tiny posture causes the eggs will not be incubated and get the warmth evenly. That is why the problem solver for this case is to let other chickens brood Serama eggs or put them in an egg incubation. Sometimes, there is Serama chickens which are not willing to brood the eggs, so the best way is to make a special box to each hen and keep them away from predators. If the hens still do not want to spawn, set strimin wire to the stall around the nesting box. Provide enough woof and let them there in 2 days to get the habit. After more than 2 days, just see the reaction. If they still do not want to brood the eggs, try again the first process.

Baca Juga!  Serama Chicken from Neighbour Country
Serama Chicken Age 3 Month
Serama Chicken Age 3 Month

The woof for Serama chicken is not much different with other fancy chickens which uses voer or BR, red rice, and grits (carbohydrate sources). However, gives Serama voer as little as possible in order to avoid the obesity. Corn functions as the framer of the eggshell which is necessary to give when the hens is getting on the reproduction period. Every once or two days, give 2 crickets en each portion. Besides, bean sprouts or sprouts are also good to give as food additives at Serama’s fertile period. Don’t forget to give Vitamin E everyday.

A Couple Of Serama Chicken
A Couple Of Serama Chicken

To produce superior Serama chickens, you  need to hybridize among Serama types. Even, there are also some people who hybridize them with other chicken types to produce a nice physical appearance.


Fancy Chicken, Serama Chicken, Serama Chicken Photos, Serama Chicken Breeder, Fancy Chicken Breeders, The eggs productivity of Serama chicken is high enough, In once period, it can produce so many eggs

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