Unlock Prosperity: Premium Cemani Walik Chickens for Sale Now!

Sell Cemani Walik Chicken – Indonesian civil society must be familiar with the name of Cemani Walik chicken, especially for people who live in central Java district.

In its origin, Temanggung, Cemani Walik is normally owned as animal livestock.

Physically, this chicken looks like common Cemani chicken, the colour of its body is totally black including its beak, rectum, armpit, leg, and gizzard.

The one which makes it different with common Cemani chicken is on the quill which is front on the top like upside-down.

Adult Cemani Walik Chicken
Adult Cemani Walik Chicken

Cemani Walik’s special quill becomes a charm for chicken admirers to take care of it. With the special quill and its black colour becomes a particular unique thing.

There are a lot of Indonesian chicken admirers who grow it as a fancy chicken.

The price of Cemani Walik in Indonesia is more increase together with the increase of Cemani Walik requestment.

With the broader knowledge of chicken, many people nowadays are interested in taking care of Cemani Walik chicken.

The can be a reference for the fluctuation price of Cemani Walik chicken.

 Adult Cemani Walik
Adult Cemani Walik

The breeding method of Cemani Walik chicken is still same with common local chicken.

Cemani Walik chicken is placed in a stall with umbaran system (set the chicken free). 

Nevertheless, it should be separated from others to keep its originality.

Cemani Walik chicken always brood and take care of its child. After producing eggs and broking out them until becoming DOC (Day Old Chicken), those which is a single day old up to a single month should be separated and placed in a box stall.

Baca Juga!  Ayam Cemani Chicken : 9 Interesting Information About Cemani Chicken That You Must Know

Then, let them out of the box and  reached by the sun in the morning. Give adult Cemani Walik chicken a food of bran, hominy, and so forth.

As the conclusion, Cemani Walik chicken is an original Indonesian chicken which first develops in Temanggung regency, central Java.

This chicken has special characteristic with the black quill and it is reserve. Even, all of the body such as beak, rectum, armpit, leg, and gizzard are totally black.

Together with the increase of Cemani Walik chicken enthusiast, we can multiply it as a business opportunity considering that there is still few seller of this chicken.

 Cemani Walik Chicken Age 4 Month
Cemani Walik Chicken Age 4 Month

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Fancy Chicken, Cemani Walik Chicken, Fancy Chicken Breeders, Cemani Walik Breeder, Cemani Walik Photo, Fancy Chicken Photo, Sell Cemani Walik Chicken, Cemani Walik is normally owned as animal live stock, Cemani Walik chicken always brood and take care of its child, Cemani Walik chicken is an original Indonesian chicken which first develops in Temanggung regency central Java

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