Top 10 Most Popular Chicken Breeds For Beginners

Top 10 Most Popular Chicken Breeds For Beginners To Start Flock Of Backyard Chickens

Are you looking for most popular chicken breeds that you can easily keep as backyard chickens? For the beginners, maybe including you, choosing types of chicken to be kept in the backyard needs some considerations. In addition to black chicken breeds, there is a list of 10 most popular chicken breeds that is recommended for beginners.

All of the breeds are not only popular, they are also recommended breeds for beginner backyard chicken owners for some good reasons. Remember that it is very important to consider the breeds of chicken you are going to select because there are large chicken breeds in the world. The rural urban location, the climate, the size of your backyard are some factors to consider in choosing chicken breeds.

The example of chicken breeds chart that you can choose to raise in your backyard.
The example of chicken breeds chart that you can choose to raise in your backyard.

Whether you are planning to keep backyard chickens or already have your flock, you can take a look at this recommendation of top 10 most popular chicken breeds for beginner backyard chicken owners.

1. Orpington Chicken

If you want to raise a chicken breeds for eggs and meat need, you can choose Orpington chicken.
If you want to raise a chicken breeds for eggs and meat need, you can choose Orpington chicken.

The beautiful Orpington is one of the most popular chicken breeds in the nation. Besides, they have been popular in America since the early 1900s and have been given ‘pure breed’ status. This chicken is a great dual purpose chicken. The cute, courteous, and also friendly orpington chicken might very well be one of the best mothers in the animal kingdom. This breed is like designed to be a hardy breed which can endure England’s most bitter winters, whilst still laying at an unstoppable rate. In a year, orpington chicken can lay about 200 light brown eggs. These heavy-set, fluffy and cuddly hens will be suitable to be the figure of grace and dignity in any coop.

2. Wyandotte Chicken

Wyandotte chicken has a beauriful combination feather colors, they looks so pretty if they are in your backyard.
Wyandotte chicken has a beauriful combination feather colors, they looks so pretty if they are in your backyard.

Wyandotte chicken is one of the most popular chicken breeds which was first cultivated in 1883 in North America. They have some beautiful laced color varieties such as gold, blue, and silver. Moreover, this chicken is also main players on dual purposes breed – providing meat and eggs. It lays about 200 tan or sometimes brown eggs annually. Their bold, sweet, docile temperaments and amazing array of plumage colors make them a great choice for backyard chicken owners.

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3. Plymouth Rock Chicken

Best chicken for pets and eggs can be given to Plymouth Rock Chiken, because they are calm character and produce a lot of eggs.
Best chicken for pets and eggs can be given to Plymouth Rock Chiken, because they are calm character and produce a lot of eggs.

The plymouth rock chicken is not only categorized as most popular chicken breeds. It is also a wonderful breed for the beginner backyard chicken owners. This is also one of the most familiar dual-purpose heritage from breeds. They are calm, docile, and love to free-range. The plymouth rock hens can also make great additions to backyard chicken coops. They are good layers with about 280 pinkish-brown eggs a year.

4. Australorp Chicken

Australorp Chicken is native to Australia, many Australian or other people raise this chicken.
Australorp Chicken is native to Australia, many Australian or other people raise this chicken.

As one of the most popular chicken breeds, Australorp chicken can be a great choice for beginners. They are dual-purpose breed, friendly, and hail from Australia. The locally bred australorps are a favorite in many Australian backyards because of their brilliant plumage, egg laying ability, and characteristic happy-go-clucky Aussie attitude. More amazing fact, this great breed can actually hold the record for the most eggs ever laid in one year by a chicken, that was 364! Nevertlehess, the Australorps in average lay about 250 brown eggs a year.

See also!

5. Brahma Chicken

Brahma is a large chicken breeds, they have thick feather that cover all the body parts include their feet.
Brahma is a large chicken breeds, they have thick feather that cover all the body parts include their feet.

What is the largest breed of chicken? One of the largest chicken breeds on the earth is Brahma chicken. according to Sejfijaj, the weight of Brahma chicken can reach 16.5 pounds – it is 4 punds heavier than the average. Then, this chicken is also about as tall as a toddler, standing 2.79 feet from head to foot. Well, considering the Brahma chicken’s imposing physical stature, they are said to be one of most popular chicken breeds which is friendly and affectionate. They also do well in cold or damp climates. The brahma hens can lay about 150 brown eggs anually but this chicken originally cultivated for meat production actually.

6. Leghorn Chicken

Leghorn Chicken can give you a fresh eggs everyday because Leghorn are realiable laying chicken.
Leghorn Chicken can give you a fresh eggs everyday because Leghorn are realiable laying chicken.

First cultivated in Livorno, in Tuscany and brought to Britain in the late 1800s, Leghorn chicken became one most popular chicken breeds in America and later Australia. This hens are also productive layers which lay about 280 white eggs in a year. Besides, they can be flighty. It means they can startle easily because this chicken is not a calm type. Nevertheless, they are very productive egg layers and do particularly well in warmer climates because of their large comb and slight build.

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7. Rhode Island Red

Rhode Island Red are common chicken breeds for laying eggs, the color of the eggs is light brown.
Rhode Island Red are common chicken breeds for laying eggs, the color of the eggs is light brown.

As the ideal bird for beginners, Rhode Island Red chicken is not only known as one most popular chicken breeds but also the quintessential breeds in America. They are quite a large breed, but generally are calm, docile, and hardy. They are very suitable for those who want easy to care for and great brown egg layers. What kind of chicken lays a jumbo egg? Rhode Island is one. The hens are productive egg layer with approximately 250-300 eggs per year.

8. Silkie Chicken

Has a fluffy feather, silkie chicken is suitable for your backyard.
Has a fluffy feather, silkie chicken is suitable for your backyard, also they has black chicken meat.

Silkie chicken is one of the most popular chicken breeds. They have reputation for standing out due to their fluffly and puffy feathers. Even, many people consider this chicken as the teddy bear of the chicken world. Besides, they can also make great pets, especially for children. Silkies are famous for their docile, sweet, and love to care temperament. Unlike most chickens that feel panic as soon as the gate is opened, this chicken remains calm. This is why silkies can be a good choice for backyard chicken owners.

9. Cochin Chicken

almost similar to Brahma chicken, this cochin chicken also has thick feathers but has a more rounded body shape.
almost similar to Brahma chicken, this cochin chicken also has thick feathers but has a more rounded body shape.

The cochin is a most popular chicken breeds from China. Similar with Brahma chicken, cochin derives from very large feather-legged chickens. Moreover, this large and lovely chickens are very easy to handle as long as you can carry their hefty weight. They can also make perfect pets for families with children. Even thouogh they are not great lays, but they can also make fabulous pets and lap chickens. They are also great material for exhibitions and shows because they are tolerant and really easy to keep.

10. Cemani Chicken

Cemani chicken is one of an exotic chickens in the world, the price of cemani chicken also quite high.
Cemani chicken is one of an exotic chickens in the world, the price of cemani chicken also quite high.

Cemani chicken is an uncommon unusual or exotic chickens which is native to Indonesia. This is one of the most popular chicken breeds which is also known as the exotic chicken breeds. Besides very well-know for its exotic solid color in all of the body, this chicken is also popular with the black chicken benefits for human health. They are actually not particularly ‘cuddly’ so it is not a really lap chicken. However you can keep as pets or eye candy because they certainly are unusual and noteworthy. But don’t be surprised because ayam cemani price is not cheap.

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