The Most Expensive Rooster In The World? Let’s See This Ayam Cemani!

Most Expensive Rooster : The World’s Most Expensive Rooster In The World That Costs $2,500 !

Most expensive rooster – Did you know if there are a chickens that have fantastic price. What kind of those chicken and why are their price is so fantastic? Yes, it is ayam cemani or cemani chicken.

Ayam Cemani rooster’s price will make you stunned! Just imagine what you are going to do with $2,500?

Cemani Chicken, The Most Expensive Rooster In The World

For ornamental chicken lovers, cemani chicken is not a strange name. From other chicken breeds, this chicken is really unique especially its appearance.

You might have seen many kinds of chicken which has special colors such as red, black, white, orange, gray, or mix. But it is different with ayam cemani chicken which has really special and extraordinary color.

The overall part of this chicken is black until its bones! And this picture below is Cemani chicken, the most expensive breeds  in the world!

Cemani chicken is the most expensive rooster in the world and the price of cemani chicken is so high
Cemani chicken is the most expensive rooster in the world and the price of cemani chicken is so high


It is clear that the category of most expensive rooster is very suitable for Ayam Cemani rooster! You can read below that ayam cemani price is very very fantastic.

So, no wonder if the rooster of ayam cemani will be the most expensive rooster in the world that will costs $2,500 for a chicken.

Before we discuss more about most expensive rooster, answer this question first: How much money are you willing to spend to buy a chicken?

Well, if we look at the market, everyone will probably think that chicken price is not really expensive for about $50. 

However, different with cemani chicken. This Indonesian chicken has become one of the most beautiful black chicken breeds in the world. As a result, this chicken is sold for a really fantastic price!

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What Factors Causing Cemani Chicken Become Expensive?

There are several factors that causes the high price of cemani chicken. Here are the most dominant factors:

1. The Very Extraordinary Appearance Of This Chicken

Ayam cemani chicken is also known as gothic chicken due to its mysterious jet black color.

Beak, eyes, comb, feathers, skins, legs, toe nails, meat, bones, until its organs are black.

This is what makes cemani chicken different with others. This phenomenal black color happens as the result of the genetic mutation called fibromelanosis.

2. Categorized As Most Popular Chicken Breeds

In addition to the unique appearance, cemani chicken is also categorized as one of most popular chicken breeds in the world.

Though it is native to Indonesia, exactly from Kedu Village in Central Java but this chicken is so popular in other countries.

The price of day old cemani chicken is higher than other day old chicken, so it become the most expensive rooster.
The price of day old cemani chicken is higher than other day old chicken, so it become the most expensive rooster.


3. Known For Its Mystical Power In Indonesia

In Java Island, cemani chicken is also popular with its mystical power myth. People believe that this chicken will bring fortune to the owner.

As a result,  people usually sacrifice it for religious and mystical purposes.

4. The Rare Existence

Unfortunately, the high demand of ayam cemani chicken cause the decreasing number of this chicken.  

So, if ask “what is the rarest breed of chicken in the world”, now you know the answer for sure. Even, the last study shows that the existence of this chicken in the world is only around 3500.

Those are the major reasons that causes it becomes one of the top 10 most expensive chicken breeds  in the world.

How Much Do Ayam Cemani Chickens Cost?

Considering some factors stated above, no wonder why ayam cemani chicken is so expensive.

According to the data from MailOnline website, the price of ayam cemani chicks has been reached for about $200. That’s for a one day-old chick of unknown sex which is sold by the Florida-based company.  Now just imagine how much is it for the adult one?

According to Liputan6, there is a chicken breeder, Paul Bradshaw of Florida’s Greenfire Farms in United States who sells ayam cemani for $2,500 a pop! Of course you must be surprised with that numbers. However, this chicken deserves for it.

According to Paul Bradshaw, these birds are extremely rare and difficult to breed.

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The price of ayam cemani in Indonesia and in other countries is different. More information you can open black chicken price.

As well as the price of ayam cemani eggs that can be different in other countries.

Look at to the most expensive rooster picuture above, ayam cemani. They have an extraordinary appearance.
Look at to the most expensive rooster picuture above, ayam cemani. They have an extraordinary appearance.


There are actually some more types of chicken which also have expensive price.

However, knowing the fact of the cemani chicken price, it already shows that this is the only most expensive rooster that will make you spend pretty much money.  

Watch next :

For additional information, here are three categories of expensive chicken that you probably want to know.

1. Most Expensive Chicken To Eat

Bresse is a French breed of domestic chicken  which is popular for its meat quality.

The appearance is similar with general chicken but what makes it expensive is the high quality of its meat which makes it the most expensive chicken to eat.

Based on wikipedia, in 2002 producers of this chicken received an average of €4.00 per kg. While retail price are much higher, London reported that the price was £19.50 per kg in 2011.

Bresse chickens are the most expensive chicken to eat, because they have a good quality meat.
Bresse chickens are the most expensive chicken to eat, because they have a good quality meat.

2. Most Expensive Fighting Rooster

Liege Fighter or Luikse Vetcher is a chicken breed from Belgium. They are known as the most expensive fighting rooster.

Even though this chicken looks very intimidating, it is actually friendly with humans.

Liege Fighter is one of top 10 most expensive chicken breeds. The price of unsexed chick of this chicken is USD 100.

Liege Fighter Chickens is the best fighting rooster breed in the world, so they have a high price.
Liege Fighter Chickens is the best fighting rooster breed in the world, so they have a high price.


3. Most Expensive Chicken In India

Kadaknath is a rare breed chicken local to the Madhya Pradesh area in India which people know as the most expensive chicken in India.

Similarly with Cemani chicken, Kadaknath also has black color in almost the whole body.

Start from its legs, toenails, beak, tongue, comb, wattles, skin, even organs are also black. Kadaknath’s price goes for Rs2,000 to Rs2,500.

If in Indonesia has cemani chicken, in India it has Kadaknath chicken which is also of high selling value.
If in Indonesia has cemani chicken, in India it has Kadaknath chicken which is also of high selling value.


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most expensive chicken to eat, most expensive fighting rooster, most expensive chicken eggs in the world, top 10 most expensive chicken breeds, most expensive chicken in india, world’s most expensive chicken eggs, ayam cemani, ayam cemani chicken,

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