Making A Proper Stall To Get Serama Chickens Feel Comfortable

Making A Proper Stall To Get Serama Chickens Feel Comfortable

You as fancy chicken admirers must be unfamiliar with Serama chicken. A lot of fowls which is involved in fancy chicken category such as Poland, Kapas, Bangkok, Sebright, Sebright Gold, Onagadori, Phoenix, Cochin, various type of Turkey (White Turkey, Bronze Turkey, Royal Palm, Bourbon Red, Golden Palm, Self Buff, Black Spanish and Red Pencil, various type of Guinea fowl (Mutiara biasa/ Black Guinea Fowl, White Guinea fowl, Silver Guinea fowl, Plangkok Guinea fowl) which all are not originally Indonesian fowls, including Serama, and so forth. Meanwhile, there are some originally Indonesian fowls such as Pelung, Cemani, Cemani Walik, Kate, Kate Walik, Bekisar, Ketawa, and some other chicken types.

Serama Chicken Age 3 Month
Serama Chicken Age 3 Month

Each fancy chicken has different posture. As a breeder, we are expected to be able of providing a proper and good stall which is suitable with our fowl’s necessity. Stall is such a place for living, reproducing, brooding the eggs, and growing also multiplying the chicks. That is why it should be comfortable, neither too hot nor cold, good ventilation for air circulation, always clean and free from bacterium.

 Serama Chicken Age 5 Month
Serama Chicken Age 5 Month

Stall for breeding, the stall immensity is about 1,2m x 2,5m x 1,7m. In a stall, it usually contains of a rooster with 6-8 hens. Its material can be from strimin wire or iron wire. For chicks of Serama chicken which can be separated from their mother, don’t give them umbaran stall (chicken can roam but protected by the barriers) but  special stall with walls although only in one side. You can use ligh bulb of 25 watt as the warmer tool. If the temperature is so low, you can substitute it with 40 watt. Furthermore, the size of the stall depends on chickens’ age and amount. If they are getting bigger, you can move them in a bigger stall.

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Adult Serama Chicken
Adult Serama Chicken

The stall can be in the form of battery or multistage but not too large in each box. You should calibrate your land area with the amount of your chickens. Of course, you should notice some aspects of the ideal stall.

If Serama chicken is laying, you can put it in a separate stall or in the umbaran stall’s corner. As the base to place the eggs, you can use box from wood or plastic with straw inside. There is a problem for Serama to brood and hatch the eggs. It is impossible for its tiny posture to brood all of its eggs. It is enough 8-10 eggs to brood. The prior eggs can be given to other mothers. For next process, the chicks which are just crack opened can be placed in a box with warmer tool.

 A Couple Of Serama Chicken
A Couple Of Serama Chicken

For Serama which will participate in a contest, try to place it in a stall which is separated from other Serama chickens. This aims not to let the rooster mate the hen which can cause the quill fall out. This of course will reduce the score while scoring in the contest of Serama chicken.


Fancy Chicken, Serama Chicken, Serama Chicken Photo, Serama Chicken Breeders, Fancy Chicken Breeders, Making a Stall, Making aStall For Serama Chicken

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