What Do Ayam Cemani Taste Like? Is the Meat Really Delicious?

What Do Ayam Cemani Taste Like? The Prized Black Chicken of Indonesia

The Ayam cemani chicken is the local chicken from Indonesia and has been exist since the Majapahit era.

The word of “Cemani” in Sanskrit mean “black” and “Ayam” in Indonesian mean “chicken”. There is stories tells Ayam cemani originate from Kedu, Temanggung, Central Java.

Because this chicken lot found in Kedu so this chicken called Kedu’s chicken and in west java called Hideug’s chicken. But it is still need more research to know the exact. 

How Does Ayam Cemani Chicken Taste as Black Chicken?

Some people are curious about ayam cemani or cemani chicken taste. Is cemani chicken taste delicious or what does a black chicken taste like? Actually, ayam cemani chicken taste delicious like other chicken in general.

The taste of cemani chicken meat is more savory than chicken meat in general. The texture of the meat is also soft and tender and the smell is quite fragrant.

The meat is quite fibrous but when cooked the meat is easy to process and not tough.

This cemani chicken meat can be cooked into various dishes. In Indonesia, people usually process cemani chicken meat by frying it.

However, the world community in general prefers to process cemani chicken into soup. Cemani chicken soup has a delicious taste especially when cooked with spices.

The cemani chicken soup dish is healthier and more delicious.

Talking about the healthy side of the cemani chicken dish, did you know that this cemani chicken has many health benefits? Although the color of the meat is black which makes people a little afraid to eat it, but in fact there is a good nutrient content in cemani chicken meat.

The appearance of ayam cemani chicken meat. Of course, ayam cemani taste delicious if you cook it into soup or other dishes.
The appearance of ayam cemani chicken meat. Of course, ayam cemani taste delicious if you cook it into soup or other dishes.


Nutritional Value of Cemani Chicken Meat

Besides the delicious taste of the meat, chicken cemani has good nutrition for health.

Ayam cemani meat is source of the protein. The black chicken meat like cemani chicken meat has the higher amount of protein compared to other varieties of other poultry  meat.

Antioxidant it is beneficial to promote the body functions. This black chicken meat contains of vitamin B and vitamin E.

The black chicken meat can be the great option for you because it is low cholesterol. It is also good for bones because it is contains high calcium.

Are you still wondering,  is black chicken good for you? You must try this unique black chicken meat and you will feel the benefits.

Do you want to know about the benefits of consuming cemani chicken meat? See the information below!

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The Benefits of Consuming Cemani Chicken Meat

Cemani chicken meat  is good for health and human body.  Cemani chicken has many health benefits such as boost the immune system.

The meat of cemani chicken contains many minerals so it can fight various seeds of disease in the body.

Thus, you will be protected from various diseases, especially diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

Also this black chicken is essential for child growth, because it contains phosphorus that makes the children bones more strongest and it help grows normally.

Not only for children, but for productive age is also good for bone health. Cemani chicken meat also good for preventing arthritis.

Because the content of selenium and minerals in chicken flesh can prevent and reduce the symptoms of arthritis. So, wanna try this unique chicken meat?

Where to Find Cemani Chicken Meat?

If you are wonder about how the taste of cemani chicken meat, you can go ahead to find cemani chicken and then cook it.

But, do you know where to find cemani chicken meat? Of course, you can find it in Asian grocery, but not each Asian grocery provide this black chicken meat. Because black chicken meat are quite rare now.  

Cemani chicken meat herbs soup is one of favorable dish made from cemani chicken meat.
Cemani chicken meat herbs soup is one of favorable dish made from cemani chicken meat.


Not many people breed this cemani chickens overseas. Maybe there are only a few on the continent of Europe.

For example, like in the US.
The first breeder of Ayam cemani in US  is the Green-fire Farm.

They are provider of ayam cemani in the US since long time ago until now. Ayam cemani chicken is rare and hard to find in the U.S.  

Because of the Department  agriculture of U.S bans the direct imports of Ayam cemani chicken from Indonesia.

It is impact on the Ayam cemani price that expensive.  Even the meat of ayam cemani are difficult to find in the market.

The meat only found at the farm and in special store. So, it makes the ayam cemani has the high prices. 

Why Is Cemani Chicken Expensive And How Much The Price?

One of the reasons why the price of cemani chicken is expensive is because it is difficult to find.

Cemani chicken is one of the most expensive chicken in the world. Because of the expensive price it named Lamborghini poultry. 

Then How much is a Ayam Cemani chicken? This chicken are famous around the world. Ayam cemani for sale in UK, USA even in India.

The price of Ayam cemani originally from Indonesia which run you around $2,500 for an oldest chicken.

Ayam cemani chicken in Indonesia always connect with myth or something that related to beliefs of the past.

Ranging from fur, meat, even ayam cemani chicken bone also black.

In some region in Java, Ayam cemani chicken usually use as an offering at certain events and combined with cone rice and other side dish.

Baca Juga!  Cara Menentukan Jenis Kelamin Ayam Cemani Umur Satu Bulan

Various Kinds of Ayam Cemani 

There are two species of ayam cemani, Ayam cemani chicken and Ayam cemani walik. Both of them are similar, they has black from feather, meat, bone and internal organs are black.

But Ayam cemani walik has different feather.

It has an upside-down feather and the feather looks upward like a reverse.

So, this kind of chicken are popular around the ornamental chicken collector. 

The black chicken or ayam cemani chicken is native to Indonesia and it is one of fancy chickens in the world
The black chicken or ayam cemani chicken is native to Indonesia and it is one of fancy chickens in the world


Are All The Cemani Chicken Parts Colored Black?

Another interesting facts about cemani chicken is their body part are not totally black.

Even though their feather, meat, bones, combs, legs, and beak is black, but their tongue are white or grey. Then, the color of ayam cemani chicken blood is dark red.  

How About Ayam Cemani Chicken Egg?

The cemani chicken eggs look a like as the usual chicken but it has pink tint on the eggshell.

The ayam cemani egg yolk  is yellow  look same like the normal chicken.

So Ayam cemai chicken did not lay the black eggs. The eggs getting dark when the embryo arise and it is not effect on the eggshell.

Because the eggshell has the calcium carbonate of the eggshell does not contain the  fibromelanosis.

That’s why ayam cemani has the ivory or cream color on the eggshell. So the conclusion is  black chicken are not lay black eggs.

Cemani's chicken egg, its color are not black but ivory.
Cemani’s chicken egg, its color are not black but ivory.


Beside, Ayam Cemani chicken eggs is one of the most popular and many people are looking for this eggs.

The benefit  of eggs is almost the same as the chicken meat. The demand for the meat and eggs  is always increase.

But due to the limited of the supply makes it rare. If you are interest for breeding ayam cemani it is a good opportunity.

Lets’s start breeding ayam cemani chicken and get the enormous profits.

If you have some question, Kindly contact us anytime and we will serve you with pleasure. For further information you can check on our social media on facebook or instagram.

Related :  ayam cemani taste, ayam cemani meat benefits, ayam cemani health benefits, ayam cemani meat for sale, cemani chicken eggs, cemani chicken meat, cemani chicken for sale, ayam cemani egg yolk, black chicken eggs, ayam cemani price,

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Agus Harianto S.Pt & Hobi Ternak Team 9

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